Friday, August 5, 2011

Some things do change

Finally after 6 years, my husband has actually put his foot down and told her what he truly thought. She has bullied, intimidated, brow beat, and pushed him around far too long. It is sad that this woman has so much time on her hand to think of nasty emails to send and ways to constantly make our lives crazy, but states she is "too busy" to monitor her 13 year old son's Facebook account. Maybe if she would quit trying to be me and quit longing for my life she might actually have one of her own. Putting the same flooring in your house, driving by my house to see if I'm home, carrying a Coach purse and trying to buy all things Coach, insisting on constantly contacting my husband, and when you see him in public drool all over you do not make. I have years of history with this man, from our childhood to now. No we did not cheat!!!! Not my style and why would I destroy a child's life, so it might behoove K to stop blaming me and remember who the cheater is!!

I'm beyond proud of my husband for standing his ground and protecting his son. It may seem difficult now and C may not like it but one day he will understand you loved him enough to do it. I hope one day he will understand how much I love him and monitoring is not being nosey, but loving him enough to protect him as best we can.

As for monitoring, she doesn't like me monitoring, but then again I think she struggles with the on/off button of the computer so if she can't do it she doesn't want anyone else to do it either. I don't care what she says nor what she thinks, what happens in my home will be monitored by me or V. End of story!!!